Our Music CD's

Our Art and Craft

CD's by Gary Stadler

Fairy HeartMagic

Fairy NightSongs

Fairy of the Woods

by Gary Stadler

Music by Zingaia

Dancers of Twilight

Beneath the Veil

by Zingaia

Mermade catalog

Mermade Magickal
Arts Catalog

Altar Images
Katlyn's Art Galleries

Airbrush paintings by Scott Thom

Airbrush Paintings


Art by Scott Thom


click on the names
to enter the artist's realm

Katlyn and Mike Breene, Scott Thom, and Gary Stadler
Four artists who together have created many things
They've shared their dreams and talents
with each other and the world
resulting in a wealth of
music, art, and magic
Please stay a while
and experience the
sounds and sights of


All images, midi's, stories, poems, lyrics, and music
on this website are copyrighted
and may not be reproduced in any manner
without expressed written permission
of the artist.

HeartMagic web pages authored by

Gary Stadler



Fairy Nightsongs, Fairy of the Woods, Zingaia, and Beneath the Veil are newage CD titles by artists
Gary Stadler and Singh Kaur, and Katlyn and Mike Breene.
Mermade Magical Arts is a catalog of ritual incenses, oils, and other occult and related items.
The art on this website consists of origional airbrush paintings by artist Scott Thom
and origional drawings and paintings by artist Katlyn Breene.

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